
Compelling Websites for Authors & publishers

Pilcrow is the work of Dan Beltechi, a web designer based in western Romania.

Modern Reformation logo IVP logo Tabletalk Magazine logo Credo Magazine logo Mere Orthodoxy logo NRBTV logo Spurgeon Library logo Elisabeth Elliot logo

Selected Work

Modern Reformation

A new website for the magazine engaging thoughtfully at the intersection of theology and culture

With Mere Agency
Design, development
A screenshot of the Modern Reformation website
A screenshot of the Modern Reformation website
See Project

Mere Fidelity

A website for the podcast fostering weekly conversations about theology, the culture, and the church

Design, development
A screenshot of the Mere Fidelity website
A screenshot of the Mere Fidelity website
See Project

Fred Sanders

A personal website for systematic theologian Fred Sanders to showcase his books, journal articles, and blog posts

Design, development
A screenshot of Fred Sanders' website
A screenshot of Fred Sanders' website
See Project

Mere Orthodoxy

A website redesign for the magazine that facilitates classical, conservative discourse on all issues of faith, culture, and politics

Design, development
A screenshot of the Mere Orthodoxy website
A screenshot of the Mere Orthodoxy website
See Project

Gordon T. Smith

A personal website for the president of Ambrose University and Seminary

Design, development
A screenshot of Gordon Smith's website
A screenshot of Gordon Smith's website
See Project

Ciprian Simuț

A website built around Ciprian’s video lecture courses

Branding, design, development
A screenshot of Ciprian Simut's website
See Project

More work samples & case studies coming soon


I’m Dan Beltechi, a web designer from Romania. I’m particularly interested in helping authors, publishers, and artists present themselves and their work online through engaging and effective websites.

Do you need a new website?

I’d be happy to assess your project and give you a free quote.